Opulent Homes | Reflections Of You
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Hard Work Has Its Rewards

Your home should reflect you and your journey.  Opulent Homes is here for you.


You’ve got your eye on the prize.  You’re the one making things happen, leaving a trail behind you of one success after another.  You’re ready to make a plunge into having a home that reflects your skyrocketing successes.


Your family is growing.  You’re running out of room.  You’re not willing to settle in just any home – you want a home for the ages, the one that reflects your family’s path and will be the home your grandchildren come home to.


You know most success stories have real estate investing in common.  You are wise in your investments and have done well, but would love to have a resource who just ‘gets it” and ‘gets your needs.”

Our Solutions For You

Your home is your castle, your biggest investment. Making wise choices is easier with Opulent Homes


Buying a new home is exciting…and let’s face it, can be daunting too. So many choices, so many questions.  And after working so hard to arrive, you want to make sure your next step, is a step UP. We got you!


Whether your family is bursting at the seams and ready to grow, your new job is moving you across the lake, or your kids are ready for a better school district, Opulent Homes has your BEST next move.


You really get real estate.  Your portfolio is flush with buying and selling Seattle homes.  We get you.  We are real estate investors ourselves.  It pays to work with those who are ‘in the know.’


Sometimes life happens causing you to have to sell faster than you would have liked.  That can be scary but it doesn’t have to be.  We have solutions for you – fast solutions for your peace of mind.

We all work hard and that’s why we give back part of our commission to YOU! ~ Casey Scott, Founder, Opulent Homes 



Whether your next step is buying or selling your home, Opulent Homes has the answers you need now, not after a whole team has processed your call. Because you earned it!


About us

Focused on serving the highest quality of service and homes for those who have worked hard to take this next step in their real estate needs. Opulent Homes…Reflections of you.